Thursday, November 10, 2011

Inconvenient configuration of Forms-Based Authentication in SharePoint 2010

For an extranet we aim to utilize Forms-Based Authentication to authenticate external users. In SharePoint 2010 this means that you have to apply the Claims-Based authentication model. And next set up the SharePoint webapplication configuration for the Membership provider that will be used for FBA. This is where things can be a little confusing. In fact you have to configure FBA membership on 3 different locations, and it is essential that all 3 are in sync:

1. In Central Admin

Configure Web Application \ Authentication Providers; here you specify the name of the Membership- and RoleProviders used in FBA context within the web application

2. Security Token context

In the SharePoint 2010 service applications architecture, membership handling is delegated to the SecurityToken service application. This is a major difference wrt SharePoint 2007 architecture, in which the individual webapplication process themselves handle the membership handling. Direct consequence for configuration is that you need to specify in the web.config of the SecurityToken service application all the membershipproviders and roleproviders that are used in the SharePoint farm.
The SecurityToken service application directory is located at: 14hive\WebServices\SecurityToken

3. Webapplication context

Finally, despite that membership handling is within SharePoint 2010 done via the independent SecurityToken service application; you may still need to add the membershipprovider to the web.config of the individual webapplication. This is required in case you want to be able to use the standard PeoplePicker for selecting credentials via the FBA membershipprovider. Besides adding the ‘membershipprovider’ node, you then also have to set the peoplepicker directing to that membership provider.
What if the 3 locations are not in sync? I evaluated the different inconsistent configurations:

1. Name entered in Central Admin does not match with name in SecureToken’s web.config

In this case, SharePoint Identity handling cannot get an handle to the configured MembershipProvider. When someone tries to log in via Forms-Based Authentication, SharePoint Identity handling will report the displayed exception.
Note, to have the 'Cannot get Membership Provider' exception details displayed you already need to make a change to the default settings within SecurityToken web.config. Namely set attribute includeExceptionDetailInFaults of ServiceDebug to true. Without this, only a general error is displayed: The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error

2. Missing MembershipProvider in Central Admin

Well, you cannot actually forget to fill them in if you selected ‘Enable Forms Based Authentication’. But you could per accident forget to select that option.
The result of this is more a functional error: the forms-based authentication is now missing as option to logon to the web application.

3. Missing or different named MembershipProvider in web application’s web.config

In this case you can still logon to the webapplication: either via Windows Authentication or via FBA. See above, membership is namely handled by SecurityToken service application, and not by the webapplication self. This can be a bit confusing at first. The result of the configuration error is noticed within the application self, when you try to search credentials from the FBA-Membership provider via the PeoplePicker. Strange enough the PeoplePicker is aware of the configured FBA-membership, but apparently cannot include it in it’s search space.

4. Mismatch PeoplePicker (incorrect) versus named MembershipProvider in webapplication’s web.config

In this case strangely enough, PeoplePicker is able to use the Membership provider, that is if it is consistently named wrt SecurityToken web.config (otherwise issue 1).
At first I could not detect any PeoplePicker malfunction as result of this configuration mismatch. I could still find all credentials in the membershipprovider, also via wildcarding.
Only when I on purpose sabotaged the wildcarding, I could see the effect.
So it appears that for wildcard search the ‘%’ is already somewhere set as default for all Membership providers; and that you only have to override this in case your Membership provider uses a different wildcard-pattern.
Personally, I find it better to always be explicit; and thus also explicitly specify ‘%’ as wildcharacter for each Membership provider that is valid for your application. But it is optional, and others might differ with me on this…

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